How to Import Assets from Other Wallets to O3 Cross-Chain Wallet

O3 cross-chain wallet supports asset importation from any EVM-compatible chain. You can choose to import a wallet according to your backed-up private key or the Secret Recovery Phrase.

Import Method:

1.Me -> [Manage Wallet];

2.Click [+];

3. Select the import method, Secret Recovery Phrase/Private Key/Keystore;

4. According to the import method you choose, enter the information correctly;

5. Click [Import].


  • When entering the Secret Recovery Phrase, separate words with spaces; When importing Keystore, the wallet password is required.

  • If you find the address is incorrect after importing, you should check whether the Secret Recovery Phrase, Private Key, or Keystore are backed up correctly.

  • If you import the private key, you won’t see the Secret Recovery Phrase on the wallet backup page.

Last updated